#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # $URL: baculafs/trunk/baculafs.py $ # $Id: baculafs.py 785 2009-08-27 15:34:26Z joergs $ import logging import fuse import stat import errno import os import pexpect import sys import re fuse.fuse_python_api = (0, 2) ###### bconsole ################ BACULA_FS_VERSION = "$Rev: 785 $" LOG_FILENAME = '/tmp/baculafs.log' #LOG_BCONSOLE = '/tmp/bconsole.log' LOG_BCONSOLE_DUMP = '/tmp/bconsole.out' #BACULA_CMD = 'strace -f -o /tmp/bconsole.strace /usr/sbin/bconsole -n' BACULA_CMD = '/usr/sbin/bconsole -n' BCONSOLE_CMD_PROMPT='\*' BCONSOLE_SELECT_PROMPT='Select .*:.*' BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT='\$ ' class BconsoleState: UNKNOWN = '' SELECT_PROMPT = BCONSOLE_SELECT_PROMPT RESTORE_PROMPT = BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT ERROR = "error" class Bconsole: def __init__(self): #logging.debug('BC init') self.cwd = "/" self.state = BconsoleState.UNKNOWN self.bconsole = pexpect.spawn( BACULA_CMD, logfile=file(LOG_BCONSOLE_DUMP, 'w'), timeout=10 ) self.bconsole.setecho( False ) self.bconsole.expect( BCONSOLE_CMD_PROMPT ) self.bconsole.sendline( 'restore' ) self.bconsole.expect( BCONSOLE_SELECT_PROMPT ) self.bconsole.sendline( "5" ) #self.bconsole.expect( BCONSOLE_SELECT_PROMPT ) #self.bconsole.sendline( BACULA_CLIENT ) #self.bconsole.expect( BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT ) #logging.debug( "BC alive: " + str(self.bconsole.isalive()) ) #logging.debug('BC init done') def _normalize_dir( self, path ): # guaranty, that directory path ends with (exactly one) "/" return path.rstrip('/') + "/" #def _strip_select_item(self,line): #re_remove = re.compile('\s*[0-9]+:\s*') #return re_remove.sub( '', line ) def _get_select_items(self,lines): re_select_items = re.compile('\s*[0-9]+:\s*.+') return filter( re_select_items.match, lines ) def _get_item_dict( self,lines ): dictionary = {} for line in self._get_select_items(lines): number,item = line.split( ":", 1 ) item = item.strip() number = number.strip() dictionary[item]=number return dictionary def wait_for_prompt(self): # set to error state. # Only set back to valid state, # if a valid prompt is received self.state=BconsoleState.ERROR try: index = self.bconsole.expect( [ BCONSOLE_SELECT_PROMPT, BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT ] ) if index == 0: # SELECT_PROMPT self.state=BconsoleState.SELECT_PROMPT return BCONSOLE_SELECT_PROMPT elif index == 1: # RESTORE_PROMPT self.state=BconsoleState.RESTORE_PROMPT return BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT else: logging.error( "unexpected result" ) except pexpect.EOF: logging.error( "EOF bconsole" ) except pexpect.TIMEOUT: logging.error( "TIMEOUT bconsole" ) return self.state def cd(self,path): path = self._normalize_dir( path ) logging.debug( "(" + path + ")" ) if not path: return True state = self.wait_for_prompt() if state == BconsoleState.SELECT_PROMPT: return self.cd_select( path ) elif state == BconsoleState.RESTORE_PROMPT: return self.cd_restore( path ) # else error return False def cd_select(self, path): logging.debug( "(" + path + ")" ) lines = self.bconsole.before.splitlines() items = self._get_item_dict(lines) logging.debug( str( items ) ) directory,sep,path=path.lstrip( "/" ).partition( "/" ) logging.debug( "directory: " + directory ) if items[directory]: logging.debug( "directory: " + directory + " (" + items[directory] + ")" ) self.bconsole.sendline( items[directory] ) self.cd( path ) return True return False def cd_restore(self, path): #path = path + "/" logging.debug( "(" + path + ")" ) # TODO: # parse for BCONSOLE_SELECT_PROMPT or BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT # BCONSOLE_SELECT_PROMPT: take first part of path and try to match. send number. iterate # BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT: cd to directory (as before) self.bconsole.sendline( 'cd ' + path ) #self.bconsole.expect( BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT, timeout=10 ) #self.bconsole.sendline( 'pwd' ) index = self.bconsole.expect( ["cwd is: " + path + "[/]?", BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT, pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT ] ) logging.debug( "cd result: " + str(index) ) if index == 0: # path ok, now wait for prompt self.bconsole.expect( BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT ) return True elif index == 1: #print "wrong path" return False elif index == 2: logging.error( "EOF bconsole" ) #raise? return False elif index == 3: logging.error( "TIMEOUT bconsole" ) return False def ls(self, path): logging.debug( "(" + path + ")" ) if self.cd( path ): self.bconsole.sendline( 'ls' ) self.bconsole.expect( BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT ) lines = self.bconsole.before.splitlines() #logging.debug( str(lines) ) return lines else: return ############### class BaculaFS(fuse.Fuse): TYPE_NONE = 0 TYPE_FILE = 1 TYPE_DIR = 2 files = { '': {'type': TYPE_DIR} } def __init__(self, *args, **kw): logging.debug('init') #self.console = Bconsole() fuse.Fuse.__init__(self, *args, **kw) #logging.debug('init finished') def _getattr(self,path): # TODO: may cause problems with filenames that ends with "/" path = path.rstrip( '/' ) logging.debug( '"' + path + '"' ) if (path in self.files): #logging.debug( "(" + path + ")=" + str(self.files[path]) ) return self.files[path] if Bconsole().cd(path): # don't define files, because these have not been checked self.files[path] = { 'type': self.TYPE_DIR, 'dirs': [ ".", ".." ] } return self.files[path] def _getdir(self, path): # TODO: may cause problems with filenames that ends with "/" path = path.rstrip( '/' ) logging.debug( '"' + path + '"' ) if (path in self.files): #logging.debug( "(" + path + ")=" + str(self.files[path]) ) if self.files[path]['type'] == self.TYPE_NONE: logging.info( '"' + path + '" does not exist (cached)' ) return self.files[path] elif self.files[path]['type'] == self.TYPE_FILE: logging.info( '"' + path + '"=file (cached)' ) return self.files[path] elif ((self.files[path]['type'] == self.TYPE_DIR) and ('files' in self.files[path])): logging.info( '"' + path + '"=dir (cached)' ) return self.files[path] try: files = Bconsole().ls(path) logging.debug( " files: " + str( files ) ) # setting initial empty directory. Add entires later in this function self.files[path] = { 'type': self.TYPE_DIR, 'dirs': [ ".", ".." ], 'files': [] } for i in files: if i.endswith('/'): # we expect a directory # TODO: error with filesnames, that ends with '/' i = i.rstrip( '/' ) self.files[path]['dirs'].append(i) if not (i in self.files): self.files[path + "/" + i] = { 'type': self.TYPE_DIR } else: self.files[path]['files'].append(i) self.files[path + "/" + i] = { 'type': self.TYPE_FILE } except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.error( "no access to path " + path ) self.files[path] = { 'type': TYPE_NONE } logging.debug( '"' + path + '"=' + str( self.files[path] ) ) return self.files[path] # TODO: only works after readdir for the directory (eg. ls) def getattr(self, path): # TODO: may cause problems with filenames that ends with "/" path = path.rstrip( '/' ) logging.debug( '"' + path + '"' ) st = fuse.Stat() if not (path in self.files): self._getattr(path) if not (path in self.files): return -errno.ENOENT file = self.files[path] if file['type'] == self.TYPE_FILE: st.st_mode = stat.S_IFREG | 0444 st.st_nlink = 1 st.st_size = 0 return st elif file['type'] == self.TYPE_DIR: st.st_mode = stat.S_IFDIR | 0755 if 'dirs' in file: st.st_nlink = len(file['dirs']) else: st.st_nlink = 2 return st # TODO: check for existens return -errno.ENOENT def readdir(self, path, offset): logging.debug( '"' + path + '", offset=' + str(offset) + ')' ) dir = self._getdir( path ) #logging.debug( " readdir: type: " + str( dir['type'] ) ) #logging.debug( " readdir: dirs: " + str( dir['dirs'] ) ) #logging.debug( " readdir: file: " + str( dir['files'] ) ) if dir['type'] != self.TYPE_DIR: return -errno.ENOENT else: return [fuse.Direntry(f) for f in dir['files'] + dir['dirs']] #def open( self, path, flags ): #logging.debug( "open " + path ) #return -errno.ENOENT #def read( self, path, length, offset): #logging.debug( "read " + path ) #return -errno.ENOENT if __name__ == "__main__": # initialize logging logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_FILENAME,level=logging.DEBUG,format="%(asctime)s %(process)5d(%(threadName)s) %(levelname)-7s %(funcName)s( %(message)s )") usage = """ Bacula filesystem: displays files from Bacula backups as a (userspace) filesystem. Internaly, it uses Baculas bconsole. """ + fuse.Fuse.fusage fs = BaculaFS( version="%prog: " + BACULA_FS_VERSION, usage=usage, # required to let "-s" set single-threaded execution dash_s_do='setsingle' ) #server.parser.add_option(mountopt="root", metavar="PATH", default='/',help="mirror filesystem from under PATH [default: %default]") #server.parse(values=server, errex=1) fs.parse() fs.main()