1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 |
4 | # $URL: baculafs/trunk/baculafs.py $
5 | # $Id: baculafs.py 784 2009-08-25 22:30:54Z joergs $
6 |
7 | import logging
8 | import fuse
9 | import stat
10 | import errno
11 | import os
12 | import pexpect
13 | import sys
14 | import re
15 |
16 | fuse.fuse_python_api = (0, 2)
17 |
18 | ###### bconsole
19 | ################
20 |
21 | BACULA_FS_VERSION = "$Rev: 784 $"
22 |
23 | LOG_FILENAME = '/tmp/baculafs.log'
24 | #LOG_BCONSOLE = '/tmp/bconsole.log'
25 | LOG_BCONSOLE_DUMP = '/tmp/bconsole.out'
26 |
27 |
28 | #BACULA_CMD = 'strace -f -o /tmp/bconsole.strace /usr/sbin/bconsole -n'
29 | BACULA_CMD = '/usr/sbin/bconsole -n'
30 | # .clients
31 | # 5: ting-fd
33 |
35 | BCONSOLE_SELECT_PROMPT='Select .*:.*'
37 |
38 |
39 | class Bconsole:
40 |
41 | def __init__(self, client=BACULA_CLIENT):
42 | #logging.debug('BC init')
43 |
44 | self.cwd = "/"
45 |
46 | self.bconsole = pexpect.spawn( BACULA_CMD, logfile=file(LOG_BCONSOLE_DUMP, 'w'), timeout=10 )
47 | self.bconsole.setecho( False )
48 | self.bconsole.expect( BCONSOLE_CMD_PROMPT )
49 | self.bconsole.sendline( 'restore' )
50 | self.bconsole.expect( BCONSOLE_SELECT_PROMPT )
51 | self.bconsole.sendline( "5" )
52 | #self.bconsole.expect( BCONSOLE_SELECT_PROMPT )
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 | #self.bconsole.sendline( BACULA_CLIENT )
57 | #self.bconsole.expect( BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT )
58 | #logging.debug( "BC alive: " + str(self.bconsole.isalive()) )
59 | #logging.debug('BC init done')
60 |
61 | def _normalize_dir( self, path ):
62 | # guaranty, that directory path ends with (exactly one) "/"
63 | return path.rstrip('/') + "/"
64 |
65 | #def _strip_select_item(self,line):
66 | #re_remove = re.compile('\s*[0-9]+:\s*')
67 | #return re_remove.sub( '', line )
68 |
69 | def _get_select_items(self,lines):
70 | re_select_items = re.compile('\s*[0-9]+:\s*.+')
71 | return filter( re_select_items.match, lines )
72 |
73 | def _get_item_dict( self,lines ):
74 | dictionary = {}
75 | for line in self._get_select_items(lines):
76 | number,item = line.split( ":", 1 )
77 | item = item.strip()
78 | number = number.strip()
79 | dictionary[item]=number
80 | return dictionary
81 |
82 |
83 | def cd(self,path):
84 | path = self._normalize_dir( path )
85 | logging.debug( "(" + path + ")" )
86 |
87 | if path = "":
88 | return True
89 |
90 | try:
91 | index = self.bconsole.expect( [ BCONSOLE_SELECT_PROMPT, BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT ] )
92 | if index == 0:
94 | return self.cd_select( path )
95 | elif index == 1:
97 | return self.cd_restore( path )
98 | except pexpect.EOF:
99 | logging.error( "EOF bconsole" )
100 | except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
101 | logging.error( "TIMEOUT bconsole" )
102 |
103 |
104 | def cd_select(self, path):
105 | logging.debug( "(" + path + ")" )
106 |
107 | lines = self.bconsole.before.splitlines()
108 | items = self._get_item_dict(lines)
109 | logging.debug( str( items ) )
110 |
111 |
112 | directory,sep,path=path.lstrip( "/" ).partition( "/" )
113 | logging.debug( "directory: " + directory )
114 |
115 | if items[directory]:
116 | logging.debug( "directory: " + directory + " (" + items[directory] + ")" )
117 | self.bconsole.sendline( items[directory] )
118 | self.cd( path )
119 | return True
120 |
121 | return False
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 | def cd_restore(self, path):
126 | #path = path + "/"
127 | logging.debug( "(" + path + ")" )
128 |
129 | # TODO:
131 | # BCONSOLE_SELECT_PROMPT: take first part of path and try to match. send number. iterate
132 | # BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT: cd to directory (as before)
133 |
134 | self.bconsole.sendline( 'cd ' + path )
135 | #self.bconsole.expect( BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT, timeout=10 )
136 | #self.bconsole.sendline( 'pwd' )
137 |
138 | index = self.bconsole.expect( ["cwd is: " + path + "[/]?", BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT, pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT ] )
139 | logging.debug( "cd result: " + str(index) )
140 |
141 | if index == 0:
142 | # path ok, now wait for prompt
143 | self.bconsole.expect( BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT )
144 | return True
145 | elif index == 1:
146 | #print "wrong path"
147 | return False
148 | elif index == 2:
149 | logging.error( "EOF bconsole" )
150 | #raise?
151 | return False
152 | elif index == 3:
153 | logging.error( "TIMEOUT bconsole" )
154 | return False
155 |
156 | def ls(self, path):
157 | logging.debug( "(" + path + ")" )
158 |
159 | if self.cd( path ):
160 | self.bconsole.sendline( 'ls' )
161 | self.bconsole.expect( BCONSOLE_RESTORE_PROMPT )
162 | lines = self.bconsole.before.splitlines()
163 | #logging.debug( str(lines) )
164 | return lines
165 | else:
166 | return
167 |
168 | ###############
169 |
170 | class BaculaFS(fuse.Fuse):
171 |
172 | TYPE_NONE = 0
173 | TYPE_FILE = 1
174 | TYPE_DIR = 2
175 |
176 | files = { '': {'type': TYPE_DIR} }
177 |
178 | def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
179 | logging.debug('init')
180 | #self.console = Bconsole()
181 | fuse.Fuse.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
182 | #logging.debug('init finished')
183 |
184 |
185 | def _getattr(self,path):
186 | # TODO: may cause problems with filenames that ends with "/"
187 | path = path.rstrip( '/' )
188 | logging.debug( '"' + path + '"' )
189 |
190 | if (path in self.files):
191 | #logging.debug( "(" + path + ")=" + str(self.files[path]) )
192 | return self.files[path]
193 |
194 | if Bconsole().cd(path):
195 | # don't define files, because these have not been checked
196 | self.files[path] = { 'type': self.TYPE_DIR, 'dirs': [ ".", ".." ] }
197 |
198 | return self.files[path]
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 | def _getdir(self, path):
204 |
205 | # TODO: may cause problems with filenames that ends with "/"
206 | path = path.rstrip( '/' )
207 | logging.debug( '"' + path + '"' )
208 |
209 | if (path in self.files):
210 | #logging.debug( "(" + path + ")=" + str(self.files[path]) )
211 | if self.files[path]['type'] == self.TYPE_NONE:
212 | logging.info( '"' + path + '" does not exist (cached)' )
213 | return self.files[path]
214 | elif self.files[path]['type'] == self.TYPE_FILE:
215 | logging.info( '"' + path + '"=file (cached)' )
216 | return self.files[path]
217 | elif ((self.files[path]['type'] == self.TYPE_DIR) and ('files' in self.files[path])):
218 | logging.info( '"' + path + '"=dir (cached)' )
219 | return self.files[path]
220 |
221 | try:
222 | files = Bconsole().ls(path)
223 | logging.debug( " files: " + str( files ) )
224 |
225 | # setting initial empty directory. Add entires later in this function
226 | self.files[path] = { 'type': self.TYPE_DIR, 'dirs': [ ".", ".." ], 'files': [] }
227 | for i in files:
228 | if i.endswith('/'):
229 | # we expect a directory
230 | # TODO: error with filesnames, that ends with '/'
231 | i = i.rstrip( '/' )
232 | self.files[path]['dirs'].append(i)
233 | if not (i in self.files):
234 | self.files[path + "/" + i] = { 'type': self.TYPE_DIR }
235 | else:
236 | self.files[path]['files'].append(i)
237 | self.files[path + "/" + i] = { 'type': self.TYPE_FILE }
238 |
239 | except Exception as e:
240 | logging.exception(e)
241 | logging.error( "no access to path " + path )
242 | self.files[path] = { 'type': TYPE_NONE }
243 |
244 | logging.debug( '"' + path + '"=' + str( self.files[path] ) )
245 | return self.files[path]
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 | # TODO: only works after readdir for the directory (eg. ls)
250 | def getattr(self, path):
251 |
252 | # TODO: may cause problems with filenames that ends with "/"
253 | path = path.rstrip( '/' )
254 | logging.debug( '"' + path + '"' )
255 |
256 | st = fuse.Stat()
257 |
258 | if not (path in self.files):
259 | self._getattr(path)
260 |
261 | if not (path in self.files):
262 | return -errno.ENOENT
263 |
264 | file = self.files[path]
265 |
266 | if file['type'] == self.TYPE_FILE:
267 | st.st_mode = stat.S_IFREG | 0444
268 | st.st_nlink = 1
269 | st.st_size = 0
270 | return st
271 | elif file['type'] == self.TYPE_DIR:
272 | st.st_mode = stat.S_IFDIR | 0755
273 | if 'dirs' in file:
274 | st.st_nlink = len(file['dirs'])
275 | else:
276 | st.st_nlink = 2
277 | return st
278 |
279 | # TODO: check for existens
280 | return -errno.ENOENT
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 | def readdir(self, path, offset):
286 | logging.debug( '"' + path + '", offset=' + str(offset) + ')' )
287 |
288 | dir = self._getdir( path )
289 |
290 | #logging.debug( " readdir: type: " + str( dir['type'] ) )
291 | #logging.debug( " readdir: dirs: " + str( dir['dirs'] ) )
292 | #logging.debug( " readdir: file: " + str( dir['files'] ) )
293 |
294 | if dir['type'] != self.TYPE_DIR:
295 | return -errno.ENOENT
296 | else:
297 | return [fuse.Direntry(f) for f in dir['files'] + dir['dirs']]
298 |
299 | #def open( self, path, flags ):
300 | #logging.debug( "open " + path )
301 | #return -errno.ENOENT
302 |
303 | #def read( self, path, length, offset):
304 | #logging.debug( "read " + path )
305 | #return -errno.ENOENT
306 |
307 | if __name__ == "__main__":
308 | # initialize logging
309 | logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_FILENAME,level=logging.DEBUG,format="%(asctime)s %(process)5d(%(threadName)s) %(levelname)-7s %(funcName)s( %(message)s )")
310 |
311 |
312 | usage = """
313 | Bacula filesystem: displays files from Bacula backups as a (userspace) filesystem.
314 | Internaly, it uses Baculas bconsole.
315 |
316 | """ + fuse.Fuse.fusage
317 |
318 |
319 | fs = BaculaFS(
320 | version="%prog: " + BACULA_FS_VERSION,
321 | usage=usage,
322 | # required to let "-s" set single-threaded execution
323 | dash_s_do='setsingle'
324 | )
325 |
326 | #server.parser.add_option(mountopt="root", metavar="PATH", default='/',help="mirror filesystem from under PATH [default: %default]")
327 | #server.parse(values=server, errex=1)
328 | fs.parse()
329 |
330 | fs.main()