#!/bin/bash # because the normal mirroring tools often can't access current data # this scripts updates the local repositories using: # reposync + createrepo set -o errexit -o nounset if [ -r /etc/dass-it/reposync.conf ]; then source /etc/dass-it/reposync.conf fi usage() { printf " usage: $0 [directory] $0 will scan all subdirectories for repository (*.repo files), download the missing packages, recreate a repository and sign it. " } check_url() { local URL="$1" [ -z "$1" ] && return 1 local CODE=`curl --location --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /dev/null "$URL"` printf " %s: %s\n" "$URL" "$CODE" test "$CODE" = "200" return $? } STARTDIR=${1:-.} if ! [ -d $STARTDIR ]; then echo "FAILED: $STARTDIR is not a valid directory" usage exit 1 fi cd $STARTDIR ME=reposync-mirror-update TMPDIR=/tmp/reposync.cache/ REPO_FILES=`find -name "*.repo" ! -name "vermkv-*" | sort` mkdir -p $TMPDIR for REPO_FILE in $REPO_FILES; do NAME=`sed --quiet -r 's/^\[(.*)\]/\1/p' $REPO_FILE` URL=`sed --quiet -r 's/^baseurl=(.*)/\1/ip' $REPO_FILE` DIR=`dirname $REPO_FILE` echo echo echo "$ME: $NAME: reposync of $DIR" echo if ! check_url "$URL"; then echo " SKIPPED: url not accessable" else # reposync stores in a directory named identical as the name of the repo test -L $NAME && rm $NAME if test -x $NAME; then echo "FAILED: remove $NAME and try again" exit 1 fi ln -s $DIR $NAME CACHEDIR=`mktemp --directory --tmpdir=$TMPDIR` # exit on errors LOG=$(reposync --config $REPO_FILE --cachedir=$CACHEDIR --delete) if grep "Downloading\|Removing" <<< "$LOG"; then test -L $NAME && rm $NAME echo echo "$ME: $NAME: createrepo" createrepo --cachedir .repocache/ $DIR echo echo "$ME: $NAME: signing" rm -f $DIR/repodata/repomd.xml.asc $DIR/repodata/repomd.xml.key if [ "$REPOSYNC_GPG_KEY" -a "$REPOSYNC_GPG_PASSPHRASE" ]; then gpg --batch --passphrase "$REPOSYNC_GPG_PASSPHRASE" -a --detach-sign --default-key "$REPOSYNC_GPG_KEY" $DIR/repodata/repomd.xml gpg --batch --passphrase "$REPOSYNC_GPG_KEY" -a --export "$REPOSYNC_GPG_KEY" > $DIR/repodata/repomd.xml.key fi fi test -L $NAME && rm $NAME sleep 1 fi done rm -r $TMPDIR echo echo "$ME: done"