#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ kreadconfig.py dumps KDE configuration files. It is usefull for debugging KDE Kiosks settings, where multiple config files are merged into the final configuration. The directory hierarchie for config files is based on the KDEDIRS environment variable and can be made visible by the command kde4-config --path config kreadconfig has a similiar purpose, but is limited to a single value """ # $Id: kreadconfig.py 796 2009-09-04 10:08:25Z joergs $ import sys from PyKDE4.kdecore import ki18n, KAboutData, KCmdLineArgs, KCmdLineOptions, KConfig from PyKDE4.kdeui import KApplication #import pprint #pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) def getFullName( config ): """get the full name of a config group""" if config.name() == "": return "" # check, if function config.parent is defined try: config.parent except AttributeError: # x doesn't exist, do something return "[" + config.name() + "]" else: # x exists, do something else parentsNames = getFullName( config.parent() ) return parentsNames + "[" + config.name() + "]" def dumpGroup( config ): """print the entries of a config group""" # print secton name only if entries exists if config.entryMap(): print getFullName( config ) #print dir(config) for i in config.entryMap(): immutaleString = '' if config.isEntryImmutable( i ): immutaleString = "[$i]" try: print i + immutaleString, "=", config.readEntry( i ).toUtf8() except AttributeError: # ignore when readEntry does not exist print i + " => readEntry not defined" #, i.count(), dir(i) pass except UnicodeEncodeError: print i + " => encoding error" pass print def dumpSubGroups( config ): """print entries of the config group and all subgroups""" dumpGroup( config ) #print dir( config ) for i in config.groupList(): configGroup=config.group(str(i)) dumpSubGroups( configGroup ) appName = "kreadconfig.py" catalog = "" programName = ki18n ("kreadconfig.py") version = "$Rev: 796 $" description = ki18n ("show KDE configuration files") license = KAboutData.License_GPL copyright = ki18n ("(c) 2009 Jörg Steffens") text = ki18n ("none") homePage = "www.dass-it.de" bugEmail = "rt@dass-it.de" aboutData = KAboutData (appName, catalog, programName, version, description, license, copyright, text, homePage, bugEmail) # command line argument handling options = KCmdLineOptions() options.add("+configfile", ki18n("KDE config file name")) KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, aboutData) # Register the supported options KCmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions( options ) app = KApplication () args = KCmdLineArgs.parsedArgs(); # TODO: why is this not detected automatically? if args.count() != 1: args.usage() configfilename = args.arg(0) #print configfilename config = KConfig(configfilename, KConfig.NoGlobals) # only show the sub-groups. # top-level entries will be in the section [MainWindow] #dumpSubGroups( config ) for i in config.groupList(): configGroup=config.group(str(i)) dumpSubGroups( configGroup )