OBS Notify Plugin ================= Installation ------------ The file `obs_notify_generic.pm` and `obs_notify_generic_config.pm` must be located in the `/usr/lib/obs/server/plugins/` directory. Modify the OBS config file `/usr/lib/obs/server/BSConfig.pm` and add/set our $notification_plugin = "obs_notify_generic"; Alternativly you can create an host specific configuration file: ``` /usr/lib/obs/server/bsconfig.`hostname -f` ``` ``` # notify settings our $notification_plugin = "obs_notify_generic"; 1; ``` Configuration ------------- All configuration for this plugin is done in the file ``` /usr/lib/obs/server/plugins/obs_notify_generic_config.pm ``` The default log file is ``` /src/obs/log/notify_generic.log ``` but can be configured. The starting configuration could look like this: ``` our $cfg = { "UNKNOWN" => [ { "log" => 1 } ], } ``` This logs all UNKNOWN events. With this configuration this are all events, as no specific notification types are defined. Usefull notification types are * "BUILD_FAIL" * "BUILD_SUCCESS" * "REPO_PUBLISHED" Each event come with a number of parameter. These will also be logged. The configuration directive `filter` limits a notification type to certain cases. Filter can be regexes. Example: ``` our $cfg = { "REPO_PUBLISH_STATE" => [], "REPO_PUBLISHED" => [ { "filter" => { 'project' => '.*:bareos' }, "log" => 1, }, { "filter" => { 'project' => '.*:bareos', 'repo' => 'SLE_12' }, "action" => 'logger "project $project published for repository $repository', "log" => 0, }, ], "UNKNOWN" => [ { "log" => 1 } ], } ``` Meaning: * type=REPO_PUBLISH_STATE * ignore it * type=REPO_PUBLISHED * log every time a project that matches the name ":bareos" get published * when the project is published for SLE_12, also create a syslog message Limitations: * the `action` run as user obsrun. As the OBS service run as daemon, only very few environment variables are set. It might help to call scripts using `sudo -u USERNAME` * the `action` script do run in background, to prevent blocking other OBS services. Output will be write to `${logfile}.out.log`.