package de.dass_it.vanhelsing.gui; import*; /** * ValidationParser reads dird_conf.c, filed_conf.c, stored_conf.c and parse.c. * Run ValidationParser from command line with two arguments. The first argument defines the domain, i.e. director, storagedaemon or filedaemon. The second argument should be the path of the c file. * Output is written to standard output and can therefore be appended to the properties file. * The domain of the message resource should be 'director' * @author tgoecke */ public class ValidationParser{ public static void main(String args[]) { try { FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(args[1]); DataInputStream ds = new DataInputStream(fs); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ds)); String line; String[] lineParts; String name ="FEHLER"; //Resourcename String daemon = args[0]; String item; //Resourcenitem String type; //Resourcentype String ref; //Referenz auf andere Resourcen String nec; //Kann oder Mussfeld String def; //defaultwert String state = ""; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null){ //Zeile enthält entweder Resourcenname oder Resourcenteildefinition if (line.startsWith("static RES_ITEM")){ lineParts = line.split(" "); name = lineParts[2].substring(0, (lineParts[2].length()-2)); state = "res"; continue; } if (line.startsWith("RES_ITEM")){ lineParts = line.split(" "); name = lineParts[1].substring(0, (lineParts[1].length()-2)); state = "res"; continue; } if (line.startsWith("};")){ state = ""; continue; } if (line.contains("{NULL")){ continue; } if (line.split(",").length != 6){ continue; } if (state.equals("res")){ lineParts = line.split(","); item = lineParts[0].replaceAll(" ", ""); item = item.replaceAll("\\{", ""); item = item.replaceAll("\"", ""); type = lineParts[1].replaceAll(" ", ""); type = type.replaceAll("\"", ""); ref = lineParts[3]; nec = lineParts[4]; def = lineParts[5].replaceAll("\\}", ""); System.out.println(daemon+"."+getPrettyName(name)+"."+item+"."+"ref" + " = " + getReferenz(ref)); System.out.println(daemon+"."+getPrettyName(name)+"."+item+"."+"type" + " = " +getJavaType(type)); System.out.println(daemon+"."+getPrettyName(name)+"."+item+"."+"required" + " = " +getJavaReq(nec)); System.out.println(daemon+"."+getPrettyName(name)+"."+item+"."+"def" + " = " +def); continue; } } ds.close(); } catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } private static String getReferenz(String s){ return s; } private static String getJavaType(String s){ for (conf2type c2t : conf2type.values()){ if (c2t.conf.equals(s)){ return c2t.type; } } /*if (s.equals("store_bool") || s.equals("store_bit") ){ return "boolean"; } if (s.equals("store_str") || s.equals("store_name") || s.equals("store_strname")){ return "String"; } if (s.equals("store_pint32")||s.equals("store_size")){ return "int"; } if (s.equals("store_dir")){ return "Path"; } if (s.equals("store_password")){ return "Password"; } if (s.equals("store_time")){ return "Date"; } if (s.equals("store_acl")){ return "Acl"; } if (s.equals("store_res")){ return "Resource"; }*/ //switch(s){ //case "store_bool" : s = "boolean"; break; //case "store_pint32" : s = "int"; break; //case "store_str" : s = "String"; //case "store_name" : s = "String"; break; //case "store_dir" : s = "Path"; break; //case "store_password" : s = "Password"; break; //case "store_time" : s = "Date"; break; //case "store_bit" : s = "boolean"; break; //case "store_size" : s = "int"; break; //case "store_acl" : s = "Acl"; break; //case "store_strname" : s = "String"; break; //case "store_res" : s = "Resource"; break; //} return s; } private static String getJavaReq(String s){ if ( s.contains("ITEM_REQUIRED") ){ s = "true"; } else { s = "false"; } return s; } private static String getPrettyName(String s){ for (prettyNames name : prettyNames.values()){ if (name.ugly.equals(s)){ return name.pretty; } } return s; } /** * @author tgoecke */ private enum prettyNames{ CATALOG ("cat_items", "catalog"), CLIENT ("cli_items", "client"), CONSOLE ("con_items", "console"), COUNTER ("counter_items", "counter"), DIRECTOR ("dir_items", "director"), FILESET ("fs_items", "fileset"), POOL ("pool_items", "pool"), RUNSCRIPT ("runscript_items", "runscript"), SCHEDULE ("sch_items", "schedule"), STORAGE ("store_items", "storage"), AUTOCHANGER ("changer_items", "autochanger"), DEVICE ("dev_items", "device"), JOB("job_items", "job"), MESSAGE("msgs_items","messages"); private String ugly; private String pretty; prettyNames(String ugly, String pretty){ this.ugly = ugly; this.pretty = pretty; } } /** * @author tgoecke */ private enum conf2type{ STOREPOOL ("store_bool", "boolean"), STOREBIT ("store_bit","boolean"), STORE_STR ("store_str","String"), STORE_NAME ("store_name", "String"), STORE_STRNAME ("store_strname", "String"), STORE_PINT32 ("store_pint32", "int"), STORE_SIZE ("store_size", "int"), STORE_DIR ("store_dir", "path"), STORE_PASSWORD ("store_password", "Password"), STORE_TIME ("store_time", "Date"), STORE_ACL ("store_acl", "Acl"), STORE_RES ("store_res", "Resource"), STORE_MSGS ("store_msgs","String"); private String conf; private String type; conf2type(String conf, String type){ this.conf = conf; this.type = type; } } }