[775] | 1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
| 2 | """Classes and functions for configuration file handling
| 3 | """
| 4 |
| 5 | import sys
| 6 | import re
| 7 |
| 8 | RESOURCE_TYPES = ('dird', 'console', 'filed', 'stored')
| 9 |
| 10 | #'dird', 'console', 'filed' or 'stored'
| 11 | class Config(Object):
| 12 | """Class for bacula configuration access"""
| 13 |
| 14 | def __init__(self, resource_type, filename=""):
| 15 | self.resource_type = resource_type
| 16 | self.filename = filename
| 17 |
| 18 | def read(self):
| 19 | pass
| 20 |
| 21 | def write(self):
| 22 | pass
| 23 |
| 24 | class DirdConfig(Config):
| 25 | pass
| 26 |
| 27 | class ConsoleConfig(Config):
| 28 | pass
| 29 |
| 30 | class FiledConfig(Config):
| 31 | pass
| 32 |
| 33 | class StoredConfig(Config):
| 34 | pass
| 35 |
| 36 | class baculaRessource:
| 37 | """ generic bacula support Type
| 38 | """
| 39 | name = None;
| 40 | resourceDirectives = {}
| 41 | mandatoryDirectives = {} # which directives must be configured?
| 42 |
| 43 | def printdict(self,mydict,indent=''):
| 44 | ressource = 'unknown'
| 45 | #indent += ' '
| 46 | if type(mydict) == dict :
| 47 | if '_ressourceName' in mydict:
| 48 | v = mydict['_ressourceName']
| 49 | ressource = v
| 50 | print indent + v + " {"
| 51 | indent += ' '
| 52 |
| 53 | for p,v in mydict.iteritems():
| 54 | #print "v: " , v
| 55 | if type(v) == str: # leaf
| 56 | if p == '_ressourceName':
| 57 | continue
| 58 | print indent + p + " = " + v
| 59 |
| 60 | elif type(v) == dict :
| 61 | #print indent + p + " {"
| 62 | #ressource = p
| 63 | self.printdict(v,indent)
| 64 |
| 65 | elif type(v) == list :
| 66 | #ressource = "list"
| 67 | for i in v:
| 68 | print indent + p + " = " + i
| 69 |
| 70 | if type(mydict) == list :
| 71 | for i in mydict:
| 72 |
| 73 | if i == '_ressourceName':
| 74 | Name = i['Name']
| 75 | print indent + Name
| 76 | self.printdict(i,indent)
| 77 | else: # leaf
| 78 | print indent + i
| 79 |
| 80 | if type(mydict) == str:
| 81 | print indent + "direct" + mydict
| 82 | indent = indent[:-2]
| 83 | print indent + "} # " + ressource
| 84 |
| 85 |
| 86 |
| 87 | def __init__(self, name, resourceDirectives):
| 88 | #resourceDirectives = {'name':'bacula-dir', 'Test':'test'} # the configured directives
| 89 | self.name = name
| 90 | self.resourceDirectives = resourceDirectives
| 91 |
| 92 |
| 93 |
| 94 | def __str__(self): # overload print function
| 95 | self.printdict(self.resourceDirectives,"")
| 96 | s = ''
| 97 | #s = self.name + ' {\n'
| 98 | #for directive,value in self.resourceDirectives.iteritems() :
| 99 | # s += ' ' +directive + ' = ' + value + '\n'
| 100 | #s += '}\n'
| 101 | return s
| 102 |
| 103 |
| 104 | mybaculaRessource = baculaRessource("myRessource",{'name':'bacula-dir', 'Test':'test'})
| 105 |
| 106 |
| 107 | print mybaculaRessource
| 108 |
| 109 | multiRes = set(['Run','File','Ip']) # entries, which can be multiple times in a ressource
| 110 |
| 111 | f = open("bacula-dir.conf",'r')
| 112 |
| 113 | #p = re.compile('\s*([\S ]+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*') # xxx = xxx matchen
| 114 | p = re.compile('\s*([\S]+)\s*=\s*(.*)$') # xxx = xxx matchen
| 115 | #openbrace = re.compile('\s*([\S ]+)\s*{.*') # match xxx {
| 116 | openbrace = re.compile('\s*([\S ]+)=?\s+{.*') # match xxx {
| 117 |
| 118 | closebrace = re.compile('.*}.*') # match }
| 119 | comment = re.compile('^\s*#.*')
| 120 |
| 121 | #myRes = {} ; # RessourcenDict erzeugen
| 122 |
| 123 | dirRes=[] # Liste der Director Ressourcen
| 124 |
| 125 |
| 126 |
| 127 | braceLevel = 0;
| 128 | #print p
| 129 | tmpRes = {}
| 130 | treeindex=range(10)
| 131 |
| 132 | for line in f:
| 133 | #print braceLevel,line
| 134 | commentline = comment.match(line)
| 135 | if commentline:
| 136 | #print "found commentline: " + commentline.group(0)
| 137 | continue
| 138 | #print braceLevel
| 139 | openbraceline = openbrace.match(line)
| 140 | closebraceline = closebrace.match(line)
| 141 | m = p.match(line)
| 142 |
| 143 | if openbraceline:
| 144 | #print "found openbraceline: " + openbraceline.group(0)
| 145 | braceLevel += 1
| 146 | if braceLevel == 1: # First level
| 147 | fatherRes = {}
| 148 | fatherRes['_ressourceName'] = openbraceline.group(1)
| 149 | dirRes.append(fatherRes)
| 150 | treeindex[braceLevel] = fatherRes
| 151 | else:
| 152 | sonRes = {}; #
| 153 | sonRes['_ressourceName'] = openbraceline.group(1)
| 154 | fatherRes[openbraceline.group(1)] = sonRes;
| 155 | #print "creating new sonres for", openbraceline.group(1),"in" , fatherRes['_ressourceName']
| 156 | #treeindex[braceLevel]=fatherRes;
| 157 | #tmpRes = fatherRes;
| 158 | fatherRes = sonRes;
| 159 | treeindex[braceLevel]=fatherRes;
| 160 | elif closebraceline:
| 161 | braceLevel -= 1
| 162 | fatherRes = treeindex[braceLevel]
| 163 |
| 164 | elif m:
| 165 | if m.group(1) in multiRes: # create a new list for multiple Entries
| 166 | try:
| 167 | fatherRes[m.group(1)].append(m.group(2))
| 168 | except:
| 169 | #if ( fatherRes[m.group(1)] != None): # add a listentry if not already there
| 170 | multilist = []
| 171 | asd multilist.append(m.group(2))
| 172 | fatherRes[m.group(1)] = multilist
| 173 | else:
| 174 | try:
| 175 | if fatherRes[m.group(1)]:
| 176 | print "Warning: overwriting "+ m.group(1)
| 177 | except:
| 178 | fatherRes[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
| 179 | #print braceLevel,m.group(2)
| 180 |
| 181 |
| 182 | myNewResDict={}
| 183 |
| 184 | #mybaculaRessource = baculaRessource("myRessource",{'name':'bacula-dir', 'Test':'test'})
| 185 | #print mybaculaRessource
| 186 |
| 187 |
| 188 | for tmpdict in dirRes:
| 189 | #print tmpdict['_ressourceName']
| 190 |
| 191 | try:
| 192 | myNewResDict[tmpdict['_ressourceName']].append(tmpdict)
| 193 | except:
| 194 | myNewResDict[tmpdict['_ressourceName']]=[]
| 195 | myNewResDict[tmpdict['_ressourceName']].append(tmpdict)
| 196 | myBacRes = baculaRessource(tmpdict['_ressourceName'],tmpdict)
| 197 | print myBacRes
| 198 |
| 199 |