1 | #!/usr/bin/python
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 | """Classes and functions for configuration file handling
4 | """
5 |
6 | import sys
7 | import re
8 | import resource
9 | import directive
10 |
11 | RESOURCE_TYPES = ('dird', 'console', 'filed', 'stored')
12 |
13 | rxp_item = re.compile('\s*(?P<Name>[\S]+)\s*=\s*(?P<Value>.*)$') # xxx = xxx matchen
14 | rxp_openbrace = re.compile('\s*(?P<Name>[\S ]+)=?\s+{.*') # match xxx {
15 | rxp_closebrace = re.compile('.*}.*') # match }
16 | rxp_comment = re.compile('^\s*#.*')
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 | #'dird', 'console', 'filed' or 'stored'
21 | class Config(object):
22 | """Class for bacula configuration access"""
23 |
24 | def __init__(self, resource_type, filename=""):
25 | self.resource_type = resource_type
26 | self.filename = filename
27 | self.resources = resource.Resource(level=0)
28 |
29 | def read(self):
30 | print "reading %s" % self.filename
31 | self.parse()
32 | print self.resources
33 |
34 |
35 | def write(self):
36 | pass
37 |
38 | def parse(self):
39 | multiRes = set(['Run','File','Ip']) # entries, which can be multiple times in a ressource
40 | f = open(self.filename)
41 | dirRes=[] # Liste der Director Ressourcen
42 | curRes = self.resources
43 | braceLevel = 0;
44 | tmpRes = {}
45 | treeindex=range(10)
46 | treeindex[0]=curRes
47 |
48 | print resource.directives
49 |
50 | for line in f:
51 | #print braceLevel,line
52 | commentline = rxp_comment.match(line)
53 | if commentline:
54 | curRes.add_comment(line.strip())
55 | continue
56 | print braceLevel
57 | openbraceline = rxp_openbrace.match(line)
58 | closebraceline = rxp_closebrace.match(line)
59 | item = rxp_item.match(line)
60 |
61 | if openbraceline:
62 | braceLevel += 1
63 | resname = openbraceline.group("Name")
64 |
65 | if not resname in resource.directives:
66 | raise "Unknown Resource: %s" % resname
67 |
68 | print resname
69 | newRes = eval("resource.%s(braceLevel)" % resname)
70 | print newRes
71 | curRes.add_item(newRes)
72 | treeindex[braceLevel]=curRes;
73 | curRes = newRes
74 | elif closebraceline:
75 | braceLevel -= 1
76 | curRes = treeindex[braceLevel]
77 | elif item:
78 | name = item.group("Name")
79 | value = item.group("Value")
80 | curRes.add_item(directive.Item(name, value))
81 |
82 |
83 | class DirdConfig(Config):
84 |
85 | def __init__(self, filename=""):
86 | Config.__init__(self, 'dird', filename)
87 |
88 | class ConsoleConfig(Config):
89 | pass
90 |
91 | class FiledConfig(Config):
92 | pass
93 |
94 | class StoredConfig(Config):
95 | pass
96 |
97 | if __name__ == "__main__":
98 |
99 | dirdcfg = DirdConfig("../conf/bacula-dir.conf")
100 | dirdcfg.read()
101 |
102 | sys.exit(0)