Version 38 (modified by on Feb 14, 2012 at 1:21:10 PM) ( diff ) | ,
Windows Configuration
Remarks about how to configure Windows, mainly from generating OPSI packages.
Silent Installation
Overview about the different installers:
Silent Uninstall
Silent Uninstall using wmi
C:\>wmic wmic:root\cli>product get name,version Name Version WebFldrs XP 9.50.7523 Java(TM) 6 Update 20 6.0.200 TeamViewer 6 (MSI Wrapper) 6.0.11052 ... wmic:root\cli>product where name="WebFldrs XP" Caption Description IdentifyingNumber InstallDate InstallDate2 InstallLocation InstallState Name PackageCache SKUNumber Vendor Version WebFldrs XP WebFldrs XP {350C97B3-3D7C-4EE8-BAA9-00BCB3D54227} 20110906 20110906000000.000000-000 5 WebFldrs XP C:\WINDOWS\Installer\2e182.msi Microsoft Corporation 9.50.7523 wmic:root\cli>product where name="WebFldrs XP" call uninstall /nointeractive
Hardware Information
wmi / wmic
Prodcut Name (computer type)
# get computer system product information wmic csproduct get # get computer system product name, eg. Latitude D420 wmic csproduct get name /format:value
From OPSI:
[Actions] DefStringList $ResultList$ DefVar $HardwareSystemType$ set $ResultList$ = getOutStreamFromSection('DosInAnIcon_get_hardware_system_type') set $HardwareSystemType$ = trim( getValue( "Name", $ResultList$ ) ) [DosInAnIcon_get_hardware_system_type] wmic csproduct get name /format:value
Computer Type (chassis type)
returns number of chassis type:
wmic systemenclosure get chassistypes
Values meaning:
;1 Other ;2 Unknown ;3 Desktop ;4 Low Profile Desktop ;5 Pizza Box ;6 Mini Tower ;7 Tower ;8 Portable ;9 Laptop ;10 Notebook ;11 Hand Held ;12 Docking Station ;13 All in One ;14 Sub Notebook ;15 Space-Saving ;16 Lunch Box ;17 Main System Chassis ;18 Expansion Chassis ;19 SubChassis ;20 Bus Expansion Chassis ;21 Peripheral Chassis ;22 Storage Chassis ;23 Rack Mount Chassis ;24 Sealed-Case PC
Laptop or Desktop?
If ChassisType==8 || ChassisType==9 || ChassisType==10 Message(ChassisType,"Is a Laptop") Else Message(ChassisType,"Is not a Laptop") EndIf
Another approach is to check if computer has a battery or not:
wmic path win32_battery get wmic path win32_battery get Description
systeminfo /?
user specific
wmic desktop
to change power settings, the user must have the write permission for the following registry subkeys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\PowerCfg HKEY_ USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\PowerCfg
- only user specifc
- not all settings can be configured
executing program on remote system
wmic /node:"%1" /user:bob.carroll process call create "cmd.exe /c whatever.exe"
Standard components
rsync, ssh
includes a rsync and ssh for Windows (and the DeltaCopy frontend/server) . These tools are based on Cygwin. These tools doesn't need installation. fter settings the path variable to the DeltaCopy directory, these tools are usesable.
What are Control Sets? What is CurrentControlSet?
use CurrentControlSet, see
# compare 2 registry files and generate a new file which only contains the differences regdiff file1.reg file2.reg -4 -d diff.reg
Attention: does diff.reg contain what is set in file2 or in file1? I expect file2, but had the content of file1 once. CHECK THIS.
- Microsoft Windows XP Registry Guide:
- 10-tools-for-creating-custom-windows-installation-discs