Debeka in one of Germanys Top-10 insurance companies.
Initially SmartClient has been developed exclusively for them (in 2001) and is still in use there (2009), now managing more then 4000 Linux Desktop Systems.
Fortunately, Debeka has agreed to publishing the SmartClient Framework as Open Source (GPL).
The initial requirements has been:
- 3000 seats in 230 location around Germany
- 1000 Service-Center seats. Each connected via VPN to the headquarter
- WAN Bandwidth: 64 kBit/s for up to 10 seats (for updates and if required also full installations)
- all servers are at the headquarter in Koblenz (Germany). No servers in the branch offices.
- completly centrally managed (by initially only 2 Linux administrators)
Futher information, see the article form the project managers Michael Kulisch (Debeka), Axel Meyer (Debeka) and Jörg Steffens (at this time Suse, now dass IT))
Stuttgarter Versicherung
- SmartClient installation managing 900 Linux desktops (April 2004)
- 600 at the headquarter in Stuttgart (Germany)
- 250 at 8 other locations
- 50 home offices
- complete Linux Desktop including
- OpenOffice
- Lotus Notes (using Wine)
Landesamt für Vermessung und Geobasisinformation Rheinland-Pfalz (LVermGeo)
- SmartClient installation managing around 2000 Linux desktops (Januar 2009)
- 20 locations
- complete Linux Desktop including
- Firefox
- OpenOffice
- VMware Player
- disconnected mode for Laptops
- Webmin Modules for Client Manegement
- iX Magazin 3/2002: Ausgetauscht - Linux auf 3000 verteilten Arbeitsplätzen
- Computerwoche Nr. 13 vom 29. März 2002: Debeka favorisiert Linux-Clients
- CIO 5/2002: Debeka führt Open-Source-System ein - Die Linux-Versicherung
- Suse Presserklärung 2001
Last modified
16 years ago
Last modified on Sep 16, 2009, 6:08:21 PM
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